林卿,第33届IDRS国际双簧协会Gilet-Fox双簧管比赛金奖获得者,是第一位在此A类赛事上夺冠的亚洲双簧管演奏家。世界双簧管泰斗Maurice Bourgue教授关门弟子,并是Bourgue先生在教学生涯中唯一的中国学生。Bourgue先生曾在为林卿所写的推荐信中提及:林卿先生是我最好的学生之一。2013年,林卿与EMI公司出版了他的个人首张专辑《双簧管的世界》,是在柏林爱乐双簧管首席Albrecht Mayer之后第二位与EMI公司出版个人专辑的双簧管演奏家。德国Tempus Konnex现代乐室内乐团双簧管首席,德国莱比锡音乐学院双簧管教授,中国西安音乐学院双簧管教师。
2007年以优异成绩考入瑞士日内瓦音乐学院,师从Maurice Bourgue教授,攻读硕士学位。2011年考入瑞士洛桑音乐学院,师从Jean-Louis Capezzali教授,攻读独奏家。2013年以全器乐专业第一名的优异成绩成功考取德国莱比锡音乐学院的大师文凭,师从Nick Deutsch教授,2015年受聘莱比锡音乐学院双簧管教授一职。
欧洲留学期间,曾与许多著名乐团及顶级指挥家合作。2008年底,与柏林爱乐首席指挥西蒙拉特(Sir.Simon Rattle)先生在苏黎世合作勃拉姆斯第一交响曲,受到西蒙拉特先生在全团面前称赞:你的声音非常漂亮,音乐非常的完美!2006年7月,在日本PMF太平洋国际音乐节中,受到国际顶级指挥家Valery Gergiev的称赞。并受邀,与维也纳爱乐乐团合作担任首席;与日本札幌交响乐团演奏TORU Takemitsu交响曲。
林卿受邀在世界各地举办大师班、个人独奏、室内乐以及交响乐音乐会,也与许多著名交响乐团合作双簧管协奏曲,如:2014年2月在德国莱比锡与Muko交响乐团合作施特劳斯双簧管D大调协奏曲,指挥Aviat Victor;2013年6月在美国加州与雷德兰兹交响乐团合作莱布伦d小调双簧管协奏曲,指挥戈登•亨特。2013年5月在瑞士洛桑演出莫扎特双簧管协奏曲,由国际顶级室内乐团——洛桑室内乐团协奏;2012年1月受邀与泰国爱乐乐团合作,在泰国爱乐的新年音乐会中演奏莫扎特双簧管协奏曲……
2009年7月,在英国伯明翰参加第29届IDRS国际双簧协会Gilet-Fox双簧管比赛, 获得第三名。
2004年2月,香港亚洲青少年音乐大赛 木管及铜管青年组第二名(第一名空缺)。
林卿曾受到许多国际著名双簧管演奏家指导,如:巴拉利亚广播交响乐团首席Stefan Schilli,柏林爱乐乐团双簧管首席Albrecht Mayer,美国原芝加哥交响乐团双簧管首席,欧柏林双簧管教授Alex Klein,维也纳爱乐乐团双簧管首席Gabriel Martin,巴黎国立高等音乐学研及日内瓦国立高等音乐学院教授Maueice Bourgue,美国朱利亚音乐学院双簧管教授兼芝加哥双簧管首席Eugene Izotov,里昂音乐学院及洛桑音乐学院教授Jean-Louis Capezzali,巴黎国立高等音乐学院教授David Walter等。
Lin Qing, the first prize winner in the 2013 Gillet-Fox International Competition at the 33rd International Double Reed Society (IDRS) in California, USA. He was the first Asian oboist to win this prize. Qing recorded his first CD with EMI in China. Since 2005,Qing has also been teaching at the Xi’an Conservatory of Music in China. In 2014, Qing is the Principal oboist of Tempus Konnex chamber orchestra inGermany.In 2015 Qing is the professor of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig. He was the first Chinese oboist appointed to the oboe professorship of European conservatory in 2015.
In 2011, Qing graduated with his first master’s degree from the Haute Ecole de Musique de Genève, where he studied with Prof. MauriceBourgue. Two years later, Qing completed his second Masters, as part of the Soloist Diploma at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne, where he studied with Prof. JeanLouis Capezzali. In 2013, Qing won the first prize at the Meisterklasse of the Hochschule für Musik und Theater Leipzig,study with Prof. Nick Deutsch.
Since 2010, Qing has being invited frequently by the Macao Orchestra as a guest principal oboist. In 2006, Qing was the principal oboist in Pacific Music Festival in Sapporo. During that time, Qing was invited by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra as principal oboist in Japan. Qing has been principal oboist in orchestras where he has worked withSir Simon Rattle and Mr. Valery Gergiev. Sir Simon Rattle once saidin front of the whole orchestra, “Your sound is so beautiful, your music isperfect!” Qing also used to bethe principal oboist at Hong Kong Sinfonietta.
Qing is a regular recitalist and has very often being invited for master classes and concerts. Heregularly plays and works with famous orchestras and conductors. In Feb. of 2014Qing played Strauss oboe concerto in D Major with Muko Chamber Orchestra in Leipzig. In 2013, Qing played the Concerto for Oboe in D minor by Lebrun with the Readlands Orchestra, conducted by Gordon Hunt and the Mozart Oboe Concerto in C Majorwith the Orchestrade Chamber de Lausanne. At the beginning of 2012, he was invited as soloist by theThailand Philharmonic Orchestra to play the New Year’s Concert in Bangkok…
Qing has frequently won prizes at international oboe competition during hiscareer. In 2011, Qing won the second prize at the Asian Double Reed Society (ADRS)International Oboe Competition in Thailand. In 2010, Qing was the semifinalistat the Concours de Genève. In 2009, Qing won the third prize at the IDRS 2009Gillet-Fox Oboe Competition in Birmingham. In 2006, Qing was afinalist at the 8th International Oboe Competition in Japan. In 2004, Qing won the second prize at the Asian Youth Music Competition in Hong Kong. In 2005, Qingwon the second prize at the Second Concerto Competition for Young Instrument alist in Beijing. In 2002, Qing won the first prize at the Chamber Music Competition in Xi’an, China.
In 2010, Qing successfully raised funds for and organized in Xi’an, China, an InternationalOboe Festival involving outstanding oboists from all over the world with over 350 participants including musicians, publishers, recording companies, andsponsors.