Jaime González 先后跟随托马斯·茵特缪勒和海因茨·霍利格尔学习双簧管。成为职业双簧管演奏家以来,Jaime González 获得了众多国际奖项,像曼海姆音乐比赛和意大利阿斯蒂音乐比赛大奖等。1995 年他参与创建了Arundo 室内乐团,演奏曲目时期的跨度从早期的教堂音乐直到新音乐时期。 2000 年开始成为欧洲著名 Recherche 室内乐团成员,并致力于新音乐演出推广。另外,他还是著名华裔大提琴家马友友《丝绸之路》音乐剧全球巡演的成员。作为教师,他曾担任德国科尔斯鲁厄音乐学院双簧管助教,并受聘于欧洲众多高校为客座教授。2009 年成为瑞士伯尔尼艺术大学双簧管教授。日本著名双簧管制造企业约瑟夫公司也聘请Jaime González 担任代言艺术家。
Professional studies with Hans Elhorst, Thomas Indermühle and Heinz Holliger.
Since the year 2000 he has been a member of Ensemble Recherche, an important chamber music group for new music.
Since 2009 teachs oboe at the University of Arts in Bern (Switzerland).
In 1995 he founded the Arundo Ensemble, specialising in the performance of woodwinds chamber music from early baroque until new music.
Prizes won at international music competitions include Asti (Italy) , Mannheim and Bayreuth (Germany). In addition he received a scholarship from the University of Chile and the Chilean Cultural Ministry as well as the “Gustav Scheck” music prize of the Commerzbank Endowment.
Several solo-, chamber music and orchester music performances in all Europe, Japan and North -and South America with a repertoire from early baroque until contemporary music.
Many years was he asistent teacher at the Karlsruhe University for music and he was also guest teacher in several music highschools and given often masterclases around the world.