刘明嘉,美国旧金山歌剧院双簧管首席。 1988 年生于中国青岛,启蒙于董敬国,王瑞茂以及刘昌法老师。
2000 年考入中央音乐学院附中,师从魏卫东教授。2006 年以专业第一名的优异成绩毕业, 同年获全额奖学金远赴美国奥柏林音乐学院深造, 师从国际著名双簧管演奏家沃特斯和阿里克斯先生。
经过艰苦的历练,在2009 年,大学尚未毕业的他不负众望,成功应聘美国堪萨斯城交响乐团双簧管首席,成为全美职业乐团中最年轻的双簧管首席。奥柏林音乐学院破格向其颁发了艺术家证书以表彰这一非凡成就。在堪萨斯城交响乐团期间参演了大量著名双簧管的重头曲目,其卓越的演奏广受当地媒体及乐迷的赞誉。仅仅一年后,2010 年6 月,他再次技压群芳,在近两百位竞争者中以三轮拉幕全票通过的绝对实力考取了旧金山歌剧院首席双簧管席位。执棒歌剧院的意大利著名指挥家路易·索蒂先生如此评价他的演奏——“来自天堂的声音”在旧金山歌剧院音乐季之外,刘明嘉频繁接到著名交响乐团的合作邀请,参加了大量的演出和巡演,其中包括中国国家交响乐团、青岛交响乐团、洛杉矶爱乐、旧金山交响乐团等等。刘明嘉获得了美国音乐界的高度好评,同时也赢得了旧金山交响乐团和芝加哥交响乐团客座首席的演出机会,与两大世界顶级乐团同台献艺。
2016 年,刘明嘉被旧金山音乐学院正式聘为教授,成为美国国内最年轻的双簧管教授。2017年刘明嘉为世界双簧协会举办的“吉列”双簧管大赛担任评委,并再次回到奥柏林大学举办大师课。2017年6月刘明嘉被选为国际双簧乐器协会副主席。
Mingjia Liu, Principal Oboist of San Francisco Opera, Oboe Professor at San Francisco Conservatory of Music. A native of Qingdao, China, Mr.Liu was born into a family of art and literature. At the age of 12, he was enrolled at the Middle School attached to the Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing and immediately recognized as an outstanding student among his peers. He studied with oboe professor Mr. Weidong Wei and graduated with the highest distinction in 2006. Hethen went on to continue his studies in the United States at the Oberlin Conservatory of Music. He won a coveted position in the classes of two of the most sought after oboists of our time, Robert Walters from the Cleveland Orchestra and Alex Klein, Former Principal Oboist with the Chicago Symphony
In 2009, at the age of 21, he won the position of Principal Oboe of the Kansas City Symphony Orchestra under the direction of Michael Stern became the youngest Principal oboist in all major US orchestras and kept the record for almost a decade.
In addition to playing with San Francisco Opera Orchestra, Mingjia has also appeared as a guest Principal oboist with the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, San Francisco Symphony, Los Angeles Philharmonic and the China National Symphony Orchestra, Etc.
Mingjia Liu is gaining considerable recognition as a teacher both in the United States and abroad. He continues to show his enthusiasm for education through this genre as can be attested by his recent invitation from the Central Conservatory of Music, Oberlin Conservatory, Etc. In June 2017, Mr. Liu has been elected as the Vice President of International Double Reed Society.