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近日一封Paul McCartney亲手写给Prince的两页书信在拍卖会上拍出了接近$14,822高价。
书信开头,Paul如是写道“Dear Princely person…”,透露出前披头士乐队成员希望求得一笔捐款来建立利物浦表演艺术学院(由Paul联合创立于1996年)的意愿,这封信在波士顿的RR Auction上被拍出$14,822高价。
这封无日期信函在第一页顶端署名 "PaulMcCartney",下面是他在伦敦的地址, 结尾处书有 "Paul(McCartney)"。Paul提到他已是多年没写过信,写这封信让他有种重回学生时代的感觉。其中有一小节非常有趣,提到麦卡特尼邀请王子以后来参与一节课,教学生一些舞台动作。全文的图片副本与文字部分如下呈示:
Dear Princely person,
Hi there! Iknow how hard it is to always be getting letters that ask for some favour oranother, so it was not easy for me to accept the job of Lead Patron for aPerforming Arts School to be located in my home town, Liverpool.
But, youguessed it! I did agree to do it, so now I'm writing to "friends and allgood people" to try and interest them in the scheme.The storystarted just after the inner-city riots in Liverpool a few years ago. A friendsuggested that "what the city needs is a "Fame" School."I liked theidea as a possible positive focus for local and overseas kids, but it was onlylater when I went back to my own old school that was in ruins, that I thoughtby locating a Performing Arts Centre there we could save the 1825 building inthe process.So.....(phew!)We're nowwell on our way, as the enclosed info shows, but there's still a lot to bedone.Now thehard part. A donation from you would be a great boost to the project, and Iknow your involvement in some way, would be a thrill for everyone concerned.Hope youdidn't mind me writing this, it's so long since I've written letters I feellike I'm back at school myself.Anyway, oneof these days you'll have to come and teach a class some moves!!Who knows,it may turn out to be something special for thousands of future kids.
Thanks forlooking at this.
Cheers,& lovePaul (McCartney)
57岁的Prince逝世后,各音乐流派的传奇人物都表达了他们悲痛的心情, McCartney回想起与这位标志性音乐家共度新年的往事,写道 "他看起来非常棒,能够自如地演奏放克音乐"。五月时, McCartney还来到王子的故乡明尼阿波利斯,现场翻唱了这位“紫色”传奇的代表作《Let's Go Crazy》(注:视频是Prince在Billboard 2013年颁奖礼上的《Let's Go Crazy》表演)。