one summer night he'll light a lantern
he'll catch a tiny firefly in a jar
set her dancing on the mantle
like a piece of star
see how the boy lays low
he wants the shiver in her wing
see him hiding in the willow
playing with lightning
you don't know me
I don't know you
and the summer's come again
my oh my, the sparks are flyin'
all over Lousianne
there's lots of fishes in the sea
I swear I'm gonna catch one in my hand
make him dance for me
in the fryin' pan
珍尼弗•温拿斯(Jennifer Warnes),1947年3月3日出生于美国华盛顿州西雅图的桔郡。当她还是一个孩子的时候,Jennifer已经在公众场合为大家展 示她动人的歌喉了。
1967年, Jennifer在Smothers Brot-hers主持的电视专栏里展示了她迷人的风采。
Jennifer与Mason Williams合作的第一张单曲推出后,她成为了洛杉矶Club的成员。她还在西海岩公司出品的电影《Hair》中担任了主角。
1977年,Jennifer 的唱片《 Right Time of The Night》推出后,取得了美国流 行乐排行榜的Top 10。而1979年出版的《I Know A Heartache When I See One 》也同样取得了成功。
1980年,Jennifer凭藉《It Goes Like It Goes》 获得了奥斯卡最佳原创歌曲的殊荣。1983年,她又推出了《Up Where We Belong》,闯入了全美流行曲排行榜。而另一些电影歌曲《Nights Are Forever》《All The Right Moves》也受到了观众、 听众的青睐。1987年,舞曲《I've Had The Time Of My Life》又为Jennifer赢得了一个No.1。Jennifer Wames 凭藉独具的歌唱魅力,在欧美乐坛流行一时